Raw Cat Food - Why It's the Best Diet For Your Cat, and What Are the Trade-offs For You? > 자유게시판

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Raw Cat Food - Why It's the Best Diet For Your Cat, and What Are the T…

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작성자 Christoper
댓글 0건 조회 10회 작성일 24-09-19 10:00


The biggest misconception surrounding cats is the belief that they are a stress-free, self-contained and self-providing animals that require minimal or no care. Cats are so adept in presenting the illusion of self-reliance and independence that many believe that they don't require the specific attention to their cats like dogs need. The reality is that cats require the same level of attention that dogs do and perhaps some more, in some instances. This is particularly applicable when exploring the debate about the quality of raw cat food superior to canned cat food , or even kibbles for your pet's protection.

It's sad to look around our nation today and observe numerous people who've allowed themselves to gain weight only to must deal with the negative health and suffering consequences of being overweight. Shortness of breath, diabetes and constant fatigue from carrying around the extra weight and low self-esteem. The fashion sector is singing happy songs thanks to the additional thread they need to create. There are a myriad of reasons to explain how this is happening and I believe that the bottom line is that when we look at it , we're only blaming ourselves on a personal level for allowing this problem to grow. In the end, how many pounds does one need to gain before they recognize that something isn't right and is becoming an issue? 10, 20... 50 lbs? And how long does it take to realize that the magic pills, diets, elixirs and effortless, lose-weight-with-no-work-out machines are products being marketed to your ego, to separate you from your bank account, and not to solve your problem? It's not that long... your only chance to attain an ideal state of mind is to do an extensive study, investigation, and lots of work, accompanied by an improvement in your lifestyle. However, we must stop preaching about human nature. It's about cats as well as their eating habits. raw cat food.

There is a need to be a link in conjunction with the discussion in the preceding paragraph. The majority of people aren't knowledgeable about animal nutrition, and trust others to guide them in the correct direction. The main source for "experts" accessible to anyone for their everyday decision-making and choices typically comes via traditional media such as television, radio, newspapers and, more recently the internet. Media has two types of sources. Investigative reporting, which is shown in newscasts and opinion pieces, and the second is the marketing hype that is used to attract commercial broadcasting funding. The former is sufficient to be believed in and may require further study in case it is something you are interested in. The latter is really just looking for you to make a purchase with them. This isn't necessarily a bad thing... but it can put people in work and gives many sufficient, or even an enviable lifestyle. However, the reality can be... businesses have only one goal at the end. They are there to support their profits. Recent events have led people to question the morality of corporate objectives. However so long as the market structure is the model for our society the main goal for large corporations will be to increase their profit-loss statements to be at the top of the spectrum. This is true in any way they can manage to get off with, and at the expense of you... in the literal sense.

What is this got in common with cat food, and what if the raw food for cats is the food you should feed cats? In simple terms, the majority of people depend on the hype of marketing to make their choices about the food they give their pets. That is the wrong source to base an important decision. Let's take the cat as an instance. It's not just a scientific fact, but a social one too, that the cat is considered to be an inherently carnivore. Cats are considered to be animals that obtain the majority of their nutrition from prey which they hunt, and also consume (raw cat food). When a cat is devouring its prey, it will consume all kinds of things including not just muscles, but also the organ meat, the brain, as well as the stomach and its contents that could comprise of grains and grasses. The only thing she does is turn on the stove to cook or sauté her food, or cook delicious sauces to serve with it. She eats her food raw. The purists of the culture use this description to argue that feeding cats food from stores canned food, which is mass-produced, and dry cat foods can do you and your pet a disservice not giving her the nutrients that she would normally find in raw cat food that she eats in the wild and that she was genetically created.

The Pottenger's catsFrancis M. Pottenger, Jr. (1901 - 1967) was the son of Francis M. Pottenger, Sr. The doctor who founded the Pottenger Sanatorium to treat tuberculosis Monrovia, California. In 1932-42,, he was the conductor of what is now known by"the" Pottenger Cat Study. One aspect of this research was to determine the effect of heat on the nutritional value of food that is raw. Also how does food change after cooked.

"Pottenger utilized laboratory cats donated by a donor to determine the effectiveness in the hormones from adrenal glands he was creating. The adrenal glands in the cats were removed during the tests and Pottenger said that the majority of the animals suffered fatal deaths during or following the procedure. The cats were fed an apparently nutritious diet comprised of raw milk as well as cod liver oil. cooked meat scraps from liver tripe, sweetbread, the heart, brains and muscles.

The number of cats donated surpassed the food supply that was available Pottenger ordered raw scraps of meat from a local meat packing facility that included organs, meat as well as bone. He also fed an additional group of cats from the food source. Within a short time, the separate group was healthier than the meat-cooked group. The kittens of this group were more active and, perhaps most importantly the post-operative mortality rate was lower.


After a time the researcher decided to embark on an investigation that was controlled. Pottenger carried out research involving around 990 cats over a time of ten years. He also had 3 generations of animals being examined.

Meat study:

One study showed that a group of cats received an omnivore diet consisting of:

Two-thirds raw meat one-third raw dairy, and cod-liver oil . A third group received a diet comprising two-thirds cooked food, one-third raw milk, and cod liver oil.

The cats who ate the raw diet were healthy, while cats who were fed the diet of cooked, cooked and cured meats had a variety of health issues:

In the middle of the 1st generation,, the cats began to develop degenerative conditions and were very inactive. In the second generation, cats were suffering from degenerative illnesses at the age of middle-age and began loss of coordination. In the third generation, the cats were suffering from degenerative conditions quite early in their lives and certain were born blind and weak, and also had a shorter lifespan. A lot of third generation cats could not even create offspring. There was a lot of vermin and parasites. allergies and skin diseases grew from a prevalence of 5 percent for normal cats to nearly 90% within the third generation cats with deficiency. The kittens of the third generation didn't last for more than the duration of six months. Bones grew soft and pliable and cats experienced unfavourable personality changes. Males became more calm while females were more assertive. Cats were afflicted with the majority of the degenerative illnesses that occur in human medicine. They died out completely by the 4th generation.

In the period of Potter's Study The amino acid taurine had already been discovered, but was not yet recognized to be an amino acid essential needed by Cats. Nowadays, many cats are able to prefer the cooked meat diet, in which taurine is added after cooking. Diets that were deficient had insufficient taurine to enable the cat proper formation of protein structures which led to the adverse health issues that were observed. Pottenger himself found that there was an "as yet undiscovered" protein component (taurine) which could be heat-sensitive.

Milk Study:

In a different study, known as the "Milk Study" they were fed 1/3 milk and 1/3 of the meat. The whole group was fed raw meat, with different groups receiving raw, pasteurized sugar-sweetened, evaporated, or raw vitamin D metabolized milk. The cats who were fed raw milk had the best health while the other cats had different levels of health issues similar to the experiment with cooked meat.

The specific Pottenger research on cats has also been quoted by those who advocate for raw milk as proof that it's more healthy for humans than pasteurized." +

Although Pottenger's research doesn't definitively prove the fact that cat foods made from raw are more effective in providing a healthy diet for the biological needs of cats over prepared (canned) and dry cat food (because Pottenger didn't make use of cans of cat food, or canned kibbles for the tests) there are some conclusions to draw.

The cooking process can degrade certain nutritional elements in food, such as amino acids (proteins) Cats live healthier eating raw meat, rather than cooked food, which has lesser degenerative effects. Cooking the food for your cat demands the replacement of the vital amino acid taurine and some other nutrients are destroyed by the cooking process.

The marketing for pet food claims the "XYZ" cats' food items are safe for your pet since they add "ABC" nutrients as well as minerals and vitamins into the food that protects cats' health. Marketing laws mandate that the ingredients of every product identified on the packaging of the food your cat eats. In the end, it's to you to make the choice on which one is the most suitable pet food available on the market.

The present market situation has raised questions regarding whether the commercial organizations that provide the bulk of our daily needs can remain worthy of our confidence. In the past, greed and arrogance have been at odds with morality in society and usually, the end customer who pays for the pain and suffering of others. Pet owners have decided to take things to their own and are attempting to provide with raw ingredients food items made using their own hands to their pets. This is not a bad thing, however certain precautions including a lifestyle modification, must be considered when making your pet's food to protect her from infection by bacteria and ensure that her nutritional requirements are being met.

Here's an example raw cat food preparation made from scratch:

It appears that this recipe could yield about 5-6 lbs of raw cat food product that could provide a single cat with food for a period of time. It means that most of it will have the ability to freeze in separate air-tight containers, then frozen until needed.

The digestion system of cats is designed to handle things that human systems aren't able to. The stomachs of cats have an extremely acidic environment, making it an effective deterrent to the ingesting of bacteria, such as e.coli and salmonella. Cats in the wild may take in a few tasty things without ill side effects. Wild cats are more likely to die because of injuries rather than food poisoning. But, there are ways to take in case you are concerned about the raw cat food Bourn bacteria.

Avoid supermarket-branded ground beef with whole pieces of meat instead, buy "free-range" poultry and meat as fresh as is possible. Include the priobiotics (which assist in maintaining the health of your intestinal tract) to your food preparation in raw form. The proper care of food for your cat is crucial as some raw cat food might contain bacteria that could cause illness for you or your pet. Keep the raw meat of your cat and poultry away from other food items. Cleanse your hands prior to as well after eating raw food. Work surfaces as well as bowls and the utensils that come into contact with raw meat using hot soapy water. Always clean your hands after cleaning your cat's waste. This is especially true for litter bins. Remove and clean up the food that is not eaten within 30 minutes after feeding your cat.

Making raw cat food by hand for your pet is a love-struck effort that is adored by the purists. Many people lack the timeor aren't equipped to tackle this job. If you're part of the latter category, then take a break. Products that are ready-made are making their way into the market. There are raw cat food meals that are delivered frozen, and there are also mixes that all you need to do is add meat. Make sure that if choose to use a mix, ensure that amino acids essential to life like taurine are in it. If not, be sure to include your heart (a source of taurine) as well as other organ meats that comes from the same animal, if feasible, along alongside the raw cat food to ensure that your cat doesn't be deficient in these essential ingredients.

What are the trade-offs to consider?

In one sense, you'll have to give up the convenience of shopping at one stop in the animal food stores. Raw cat food orders mix or meals are typically done online, so you'll need to use debit or credit cards. Planning ahead should be a an ongoing process to ensure you don't run out of cat food that is raw prior to the next delivery arrives. If a package thaws then you must return it as you don't want to risk getting caught to contract a an infection caused by bacteria. Many companies will allow refunds due to melting. If you cook the cat food in a raw state from scratch, you should be prepared to devote several hours at the kitchen counter doing this chore.

The main difference is the quality of the cat food you'll be feeding. The store-bought'meal cereals' will be replaced with premium fresh food that cats were made to. Certain cats might be hesitant about the change at first due to the fact that they didn't have the opportunity to interact with raw cat food when they were kittens. However, if their health does be improved, and you'll likely be pleasantly surprised by the results that are compared to the way your cat was behaved prior to having a healthy high-quality raw cat food that is nutritionally balanced as well as the immune system will become more robust, giving your cat the chances to live a long, healthy life.

Talk to any monk or the typical, next-door-neighbor contemplative and they'll be able to tell that life isn't straightforward. Suffering is the aspect that characterizes the majority of our existence in the Universe and the penalty for ignoring the fact that suffering is a part of life is to endure more pain. However, this pain is a possibility to ease with some knowledge and knowledge of the reasons and what you can do to alleviate the burden. It requires a commitment to alter and embrace new ways of living in order to adjust to a different lifestyle. However, understanding and knowledge is not a matter of Osmosis. It requires many hours of effort to grasp even a tiny amount of the senses that keep life. It isn't possible to rely on epiphanies also. If you adored this post and you would such as to receive even more details regarding First Source Pet Foods Reno kindly see our own website. As with magic and wonders, it's rare to experience instant insight... as well it's possible to wait for it, while your cat is begging for a tasty cat food dish. It's like puffing and huffing contemplating the reason for carrying the extra weight.


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